Runner’s Knee, also known as Chondromalacia Patellae, is a degenerative condition of the cartilage surface of the back of the knee cap. It feels like a dull pain behind or around the knee cap.
Runner’s Knee is most common in young adults, especially runners, cyclists, football players, rowers, tennis players and rugby players.
The pain experienced is caused either by direct injury to the knee or chronic friction behind the knee cap over a long period of time.

Running in Brighton is growing in popularity
The knee cap usually sits comfortably in the groove on the femur (thigh bone), sliding up and down through the groove during knee movements such as running. However if there are abnormal biomechanics at the knee joint (eg. dominant/weaker muscles pulling the knee cap to one side within the groove) it creates excess friction behind the knee cap and can cause pain and wear of the cartilage.
Assessing and correcting the biomechanics at the knee joint and whole lower limb are an essential part of treatment. It is important to see which muscles are weak or too dominant; how the lower back, hips, knees, ankles and feet are moving and working together; and to take a full case history including current sporting activities and previous injuries. Also it is wise to bring with you the footwear that you usually wear during physical activity to see whether your shoes may be exacerbating the situation.
If left untreated runner’s knee (chondromalacia patallae) can cause degeneration of the cartilage behind the knee cap and long term pain and discomfort.
Venetia Powell is an Osteopath at Natural Balance Therapies in Brighton & Hove.
For more information or treatment book online or call Brighton 771441